The Open Bible Trust

a non-denominational publisher of Bible study resources

Our resources cover subjects from Genesis to Revelation, Practical Christianity to The Godhead, and everything in between!

Our site showcases the rich variety of our resources and lets you get a taste of what we do.

New releases

Search Magazine #246 (February/March 2025)

A wide variety of interesting and helpful articles by different authors.

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Key Words in 1 John: Knowledge, Love, Sin: by W M Henry

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A report on the 40th Anniversary of the Open Bible Trust Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration held in the summer of 2024.


Featured Book

The Message of the Synoptic Gospels by W M Henry

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OBT YouTube Bible Studies

The Armour of God Study 1:

First Michael Penny gives an introduction of 'The Armour of God' before Vicky Wilkinson considers 'The Belt of Truth' and Sylvia Penny 'The Breastplate of Righteousness'.

This Month's Features

Unity in Christ

Ephesians 4 deals with two unities: the 'Unity of the Spirit' and the 'Unity of the Faith'. What is the difference?

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Latest Podcast

Discussing Ephesians: Episode

Ephesians 4:17-32

Paul exhorts his readers to “put off your old self” and “put on your new self”, but what is the “old self” and what is the “new self”? When we understand what these are, we are more likely to “put off” the one and “put on” the other.

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The Balanced Christian Life

A series of five studies based on Ephesians exploring ...

The Blessings Christians have in Christ and The Practical Christian Life which should follow.

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