Disc 4 - 80 Studies

Disc 4 - 80 Studies


Various Speakers
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A variety of studies from Michael Penny, W.M. Henry and others.

This MP3 disc is formatted for playing on a PC and some modern CD players. It can also be played on a DVD player.

Michael Penny – 43 studies

Brief thoughts on prayer – 1 study

The Place of Prayer in an Age of Grace – 10 studies

  1. Introduction
  2. The Prayer Ephesians 1
  3. The Prayers of Ephesians 3 & 6
  4. The Prayer of Colossians 1
  5. The Prayer of Colossians 4
  6. Prayer in Philemon
  7. Prayer in Philippians
    • Please note this study is incomplete due to technical problems
  8. Prayer 1 Timothy 2
  9. The Prayers of 1 Timothy 4 & 5 and 2 Timothy
  10. Summary

The Place of Ritual in Christianity – 10 studies

  1. The place of faith
  2. Ritual and works
  3. The minefield of baptism
  4. Infant baptism
  5. Baptism ‘in’ and Baptism ‘unto’
  6. Baptismal regeneration
  7. The Lord’s Supper
  8. What is ritual?
  9. Do this in remembrance of me
  10. Symbols

Ephesians – verse by verse – 22 studies

W M Henry – 11 studies

2 Timothy – 1 study

Fulness – 1 study

The Seven Letters to the Seven Churches – 1 study

The Second Coming – 1 study

Romans – Fundamental and Dispensational – 7 studies

  1. Romans 5:12-21
  2. Romans 6
  3. Romans 7
  4. Romans 8:1-11
  5. Romans 8:12-39
  6. Romans 9 & 10
  7. Romans 11

Other Speakers – 23 studies

Colossians Christianity – 7 studies
Ron Moore, Fred Heyman, Michael Penny, Robert Brown, Winston Brown

  1. Colossians 1:1-14: Thanksgiving and Prayer – Ron Moore
  2. Colossians 1:15-23: The Supremacy of Christ – Fred Heyman
  3. Colossians 1:23-2:7: Glorious Riches – Michael Penny
    • Please note that the study on the second half of Colossians 2 is missing
  4. Colossians 3:1-17: Holy Living – Ron Moore
  5. Colossians 3:18-4:1: Relationships – Michael Penny
  6. Colossians 4:2-6: A Prison Prayer – Winston Brown
  7. Colossians 4:7-18: Greetings & Conclusion – Robert Brown

Jesus Christ – Past, Present and Future – 6 studies
Robert Brown, Winston Brown, Michael Penny

  1. Christ in the Old Testament – Robert Brown
  2. The Risen Christ of the Gospels – Robert Brown
  3. Christ! The same yesterday, today and forever – Michael Penny
  4. Christ today – Michael Penny          
  5. The Titles of Christ in Revelation – Winston Brown
  6. The Second Coming of Christ – Winston Brown

Other Religions – 2 studies
Robert Minor

  1. Hinduism
  2. Buddhism

Prophetic Psalms – 8 studies
Winston Brown, Jerry Sterchi, Michael Penny, Fred Heyman, Robert Brown

  1. The Messiah as Atoning Sacrifice: Psalms 22, 30 &39 – Winston Brown
  2. Messiah Shepherd: Psalms 22, 23 & 24 – Jerry Sterchi
  3. Enemies Threaten: Psalms 44 & 45 – Winston Brown
  4. Enemies Attack: Psalms 79 & 83 – Michael Penny
  5. Man’s Rebellion (part 1): Psalms 2, 3 & 4 – Fred Heyman
  6. Man’s Rebellion (part 2): Psalms 5, 6 & 8 – Michael Penny
  7. King, Priest & Judge: Psalms 72 & 110: Jerry Sterchi
  8. Rest, and a New Song: Psalms 47, 93 & 96-99 – Robert Brown
Number of Discs - 1
Number of Studies - 80