The Great Conflict of the Ages

The Great Conflict of the Ages


E W Bullinger
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“I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” (Gen. 3:15)

Bullinger sees Genesis 3:15 as the great foundation text on which the whole Bible rests. Here, the faithfulness of God is at stake and the power of God is in question. Can He fulfil His own Word? Can He accomplish His own declaration? Can He bring to pass His own prediction? Or …

Can Satan succeed in preventing its fulfilment? Can he prevent “the Seed of the woman” – the Son of Man – from coming into the world? Can Satan prevent the Son of Man having dominion over all the earth? This is the subject of …THE GREAT CONFLICT OF THE AGES

Like a thread it runs through the whole Bible. Starting from Genesis 3:15 (the Prediction), it runs on to the end of Revelation.

This book traces this thread, and notes the attempts of Satan to frustrate God’s plan and prediction.

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Number of Pages - 60
Size - A5
Year of Publication - 2019