This workbook is aimed at 11-12 year olds (but will be able to be used with a wider range of youngsters depending upon their reading ability and familiarity with the Bible) and is intended for use in the family as well as in a Sunday School situation and in Primary School RE lessons.
The book takes a systematic approach to the books and different sections of the Bible, with the children being encouraged to look up references in order to answer questions or fill in blanks. The 'lessons' (which need not be taken in strict order), are punctuated with word-searches and crosswords, anagrams to be unravelled and maps for measuring.
If any organisations wish to use the puzzles, diagrams and worksheets contained in this book they are free to copy them, and there is no need to seek permission.
A detailed list of contents is given below:
- Introducing the Bible gives some statistics and names of different versions of the Bible along with some recommended study helps. The abbreviations used for the books of the Bible are given and all the names of the Old Testament books have to be unscrambled. As in most sections, various questions are asked, with references given where the answers may be found.
- The Law Books covers the first five books of the Bible with maps to be used and words to be unscrambled from Genesis, Exodus and Leviticus; numbers to find in the book of Numbers and blessings and cursings from Deuteronomy. Two pages are devoted to the Ten Commandments and a word-search completes the section.
- History Books - topics covered from the book of Joshua to the book of Nehemiah include: the battle of Jericho; the names of some of the Judges to be unscrambled and also characters from the story of Ruth; questions focusing on important characters and incidents in the books of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles; names to be unscrambled in the story of Esther. A word-search ends the section.
- Music, Poetry and Wisdom covers the books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and The Song of Solomon.
- The Prophets distinguishes between the 'major' and the 'minor' prophets and deals with some key prophecies. The acrostic is introduced and word-searches and crossword puzzles are used to supplement the teaching. There is a puzzle about animals in the Prophets and various maps of different empires are given.
- New Testament Overview introduces all the books of the New Testament as anagrams to be unravelled.
- The Gospels starts with a word-search and continues with a crossword on the disciples. There is a map of Palestine with questions to be answered from it. There are blanks to fill in about the life of Jesus and special sections on the Beatitudes and the crucifixion and resurrection of the Lord Jesus.
- The Acts of the Apostles contains a crossword and maps of Paul's missionary journeys to be used to answer various questions.
- The Letters sorts out the different types of epistles written and uses three word-searches to re-enforce the teaching. There is a 'fruit of the Spirit' puzzle and a section on Paul's teaching about love.
- Truth for Today focuses on Paul's last seven letters with questions on important passages in Philippians, Colossians and Ephesians. There is a word-search on prayer and a page about what the letters have to say about riches.
- The Future looks at Revelation and includes a small crossword and map about the seven churches plus a larger crossword on the closing chapters of Revelation.
- Projects suggests three activities demanding either creative or data-searching skills.