The Open Bible Trust Fellowship Weekend 2022
Come and join us for a relaxed weekend of fine fellowship: fellowship with one another and fellowship around God’s Word.
When? 12.00 noon Saturday 30 April to 2.00 p.m. Monday 2 May 2022.
Where? King’s Park Conference Centre, King’s Park Road, Northampton, NN3 6LL. (Visit www.acuk.net/kings-park for more photographs and further details.)
Price: £175.00 which includes lunch and dinner on Saturday, all meals on Sunday, and breakfast and lunch on Monday, plus all teas, coffees and cold drinks, as well as biscuits, cakes and snacks. The accommodation is in comfortable twin bedded en suite rooms. There is a £20 single room supplement and a charge for day visitors of £30 which includes two meals plus all teas, coffees, biscuits and cakes.
Subjects: Psalms and Songs ... and Exploring Ephesians
Various speakers will explore different passages and themes from Ephesians.
If you plan to join us, please think of sharing with the group one of your favourite psalms, hymns, choruses or Christian songs. Kings Park has very good wi-fi and has a licence which allows us to access the songs on the internet and play them. The sharing of the psalms and songs will take place during the two evening sessions: a very nice way to finish off each day.
Please join us!
Please make cheques payable to ‘The Open Bible Trust’ and please send them to:
The Open Bible Trust, Fordland Mount, Upper Basildon, Reading, RG8 8LU.
To pay by card, please phone 01491-671357
For further information please phone 01491-671357 or email admin@obt.org.uk