This is the 5th edition of this book which includes references to 21st century writers.
The book was originally compiled by the Philadelphia Bible Testimony, USA, It contains eight unique chapters on a series of subjects which when properly understood, gives the reader a comprehensive outline of the Word of God as it relates to the economy for this present era.
A remarkable feature of the book is that the contentions are supported by quotations from the writings of twenty-five well-known Bible teachers on both sides of the Atlantic, among whom are:
Sir Robert Anderson, John Nelson Darby, Richard Holden, Dr. Arno C. Gaebelein, Dr. James M. Gray, Dr. Harry A. Ironside, Dr. F. E. Marsh, Dr. William L. Pettingill, Dr. Robert A. Hadden, Charles H. Welch, Dr. George Douglas, Dr. I. M. Haldeman, J. H. Evans, Dr. Steward P. MacLennan.
While of course, the foregoing authors lend considerable weight to the arguments advanced in “Forgotten Truths Reaffirmed”, the strength of the book lies in its recognition that the Bible is the final court of appeal.