Disc 6 - 75 studies

Disc 6 - 75 studies


Various Speakers
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A variety of studies from Michael Penny, W.M. Henry, Andrew Marple, Sylia Penny, Cliff Richmond and others.

This MP3 disc is formatted for playing on a PC and some modern CD players. It can also be played on a DVD player.

Michael Penny – 52 studies

Aspects of God – 9 studies

  1. The Gift of God
  2. The Fear of God
  3. The Love of God – part 1
  4. The Love of God – part 2
  5. The Wrath of God
  6. The Grace of God
  7. The Salvation of God
  8. The Will of God
  9. The Word of God

A systematic approach to prayer – 4 studies

Colossians: verse by verse – 34 studies

What is Dispensationalism? - 5 studies

  1. What is Dispensationalism?
  2. Some doctrinal implications of Dispensationalism
  3. The Jewish Character of the Acts Period
  4. Judgment in the New Testament – part 1
  5. Judgment in the New Testament – part 2

W M Henry – 5 studies

Ephesians and Colossian Themes – 5 studies

  1. Paul’s opening prayers
  2. The Supremacy of Christ
  3. Fulness
  4. Husband and Wife Relationships
  5. Parents & Children; Slaves and Masters

W M Henry, Andrew Marple, Michael Penny, Sylvia Penny, Cliff Richmond – 6 studies

An Overview of the Gospels – 6 studies

  1. Matthew – Cliff Richmond
  2. Mark – Andrew Marple
  3. Luke – Sylvia Penny
  4. John – W M Henry
  5. Contrasting the Gospels – W M Henry
  6. Comparing the Gospels – Michael Penny

Andrew Marple, Michael Penny, Sylvia Penny, Cliff Richmond – 5 studies

Titus: The Man and the Message – 5 studies

  1. Titus: The Man – Michael Penny
  2. Chapter 1 – Andrew Marple
  3. Chapter 2 – Sylvia Penny
  4. Chapter 3 – Andrew Marple
  5. An Overview and Summary – Michael Penny

Various Speakers – 7 studies

Approving things that are excellent – various speakers - 7 studies

  1. Dispensation of the Law
  2. Covenants
  3. Gentiles! Strangers from the covenants
  4. The Pristine Creation
  5. Things that differ
  6. Paul’s Prison Epistles
  7. Faith! Obedience and tradition
Number of Discs - 1
Number of Studies - 75