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The Open Bible Trust: A non-denominational Christian Charity (reg: 326717)
In 1984 a group of Christians from various denominations got together to form the Open Bible Trust. Their wish was:
… to help others come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and to further their faith by all means, including the provision of publications, courses, lectures, studies, tape recordings and meetings.
They also wanted
… to promote a spirit of dependence on the Lord Jesus Christ and His written Word, whereby individuals are encouraged to satisfy themselves by prayer and diligent study of the Scriptures as to the truth of what is taught by men of whatever estate.
The above two quotations come directly from the Trust Deed of the Open Bible Trust and, in a nut-shell, state the aims of the Open Bible Trust and what it wants to achieve. If you would like to help us achieve these aims, please do so with your prayers and a gift.