Speaker: Michael Penny
6 studies on 3 DVDs
These six studies bring Paul to life. They were given at the Open Bible Fellowship Conference in Wisconsin, USA, in October 2009, and they follow the life of Paul throughout the Acts of the Apostles. They start with his early days as one of the biggest opponents and oppressors of the Christian message. Some time is spent on his conversion and early days in Damascus and Arabia.
Naturally Paul’s three Missionary Journeys are looked at, but these studies discuss and distinguish between the differing ministries Paul had to Jews and Gentiles. Both were sinners and both needed to believe in Christ, but there were many differences, and some of those differences brought about the Jerusalem Council. Its decision, and the implications, are discussed in detail in these studies.
Acts finished with Paul’s journey to Rome and his meeting with the Jewish leaders in Rome. This series of studies finishes with Paul quoting at the Jewish leaders Isaiah’s judgmental prophecy, and then telling them that “God’s salvation has been sent to the Gentiles” (Acts 28:28).