Speaker: Michael Penny, Sylvia Penny, Andrew Marple, W M Henry & Cliff Richmond
7 studies on 3 CDs
- Michael Penny gave an introduction to prayer which included a brief comparison of some of the prayers in the Gospels and in the letters written to Jewish Christians with those of Paul, who addressed his primarily to Gentiles. The former often based their prayers on promises the Lord had given to the Jews and many of their prayers were claiming those promises and they often prayed that God ‘will’ do this or that. By contrast we see extensive use of the deferential ‘may’ in Paul’s prayers ... as he requested that God ‘may’ do this or that.
- Sylvia Penny dealt with the prayers in Galatians and 1 & 2 Thessalonians, pointing out, surprisingly, that there was nothing about prayer in Galatians!
- W M Henry covered prayers in 1 & 2 Corinthians and Romans.
- Michael Penny looked in detail at the prayers in Ephesians and Colossians,
- Cliff Richmond on the prayers of Philemon and Philippians.
- Andrew Marple considered the 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus—but again, there was no reference to prayer in Titus!
- W M Henry gave excellent overview and summary of all the prayers of Paul and all that he had written about prayer.
Number of Discs - 3
Number of Studies - 7