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The April 2014 edition of Search contains the following articles:
- Editorial: Judgment: Michael Penny
- Pillar and Fountain, Belleisle Park, Ayr: Elma Cousins
- Christian Resources Exhibition
- Young Searchers: Betrayed! Andrew & Andrea Marple
- Grow in the Grace and Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ: Laura Kestly
- Grace: Susheela Nambiar
- Fellowship Weekend: Details and Booking Form
- Philemon: The Picture of Imputation: R B Shiflet
- Philemon: The Petition: Michael Penny
- Prophecy in Matthew’s Gospel: Study afternoon in South Wales
- The Open Bible Trust 30th Anniversary Celebration near Reading
- Who decided? Michael Paine
- Colossians: Charles Ozanne
- A New Heart: Vicky Wilkinson
- Report on the work of The Open Bible Trust 2013
- Latest Study Booklet: The Beginning and End of the Acts of the Apostles: Michael Penny
- Important addresses
- New Book: The Mystery of Ephesians: Brian Sherring
Year of Publication - 2014