The June 2019 edition of Search contains the following articles
- Editorial: Seeing and Meeting: Michael Penny
- Quarrelling. Arguing. Controversies. Division: Sylvia Penny
- South Wales Study Day: Satan! Past. Present. Future.
- The Balanced Christian Life: Michael Penny
- Sin - Mercy - Consequences: Vicky Wilkinson
- Young Searchers: Mothers’ Day: Andrew and Andrea Marple
- Feedback: Your Letters
- Christian Resources Exhibition: Manchester
- Ponder This …: St. Augustine 6: Colin Smith
- Genesis One: The Fifth Day: Charles Ozanne
- Christian Resources Exhibition: Sandown Park, Surrey.
- Report on the Reading Study Afternoon: Peter! Fisherman. Disciple. Theologian. Pope?
- Resources on Peter
- Was Peter ever Pope in Rome? Michael Penny
- Encouragement and Criticism: Reading Study Afternoon
- Going through Galatians: Hagar and Sarah: Michael Penny
- The Gospel of John: A Book of Signs: The Resurrection: The Sign of the Prophet Jonah: Brian Sherring
- The Latest Publication: In Adam … In Christ: by W M Henry
- Comparing the Synoptic Gospels: The Gospel Writers: W M Henry
- The Book of Acts: Preparing for Ministry (Acts 1:13-16): Peter Mansell
- New Book: The Holy Spirit and His Ministry through the Scriptures: by Brian Sherring
Year of Publication - 2019