- Editorial: A family’s request: Michael Penny
- Nicodemus: Michael Penny
- Concerning Nicodemus: Eliza Wright
- Young Searchers: What is your Status Symbol?: Andrew Marple
- Feedback: Your Letters
- Jesus Wept: Vicky Wilkinson
- Are we witnesses?: Carol O’Connor
- Two books to help with witnessing
- Why did Jesus’ family and others say he was “out of his mind”?: Sylvia Penny
- CDs on Jesus
- Humility: Philippians 2:5-11: Morgan Jamieson
- Comparing the Synoptic Gospels: 15. The Transfiguration: W M Henry
- John the Baptist: His life, death and impact: Michael Penny
- John the Baptist: the penny drops for Michael: David Hall
- Meaning, Muddle and Mystery: 5. Doubt: Colin Smith
- The Book of Acts: 19: The Trial of the Twelve, Part 2 (Acts 5:34-42): Peter Mansell
- Latest Publications: Three Thoughts on Romans 15 verse 4: James Mead
- The Deity of Christ: Study 2: I AM: Charles Ozanne
- The I AM statements of Jesus: W M Henry
- Discerning the Signs of the Times: Laura Kestly
- Oblivious: Laura Kestly
- Books on Prophecy: Michael Penny
- The Christian Resources Exhibition
Year of Publication - 2021