The beginning of The Church which is the Body of Christ represents a significant change in God’s dealing with mankind. A shift which brought about a change in stewards; Israel was replaced by Gentiles who believed that Jesus Christ was their Saviour, that he died for their sins. Is this an important change? Most definitely YES! But when did this take place? This is something which is not considered by many Christians. Olive and Lloyd Allen have done a good job in bringing this to our attention and giving reasons why it is important.
The book is in two parts with useful indexes making it easy to use for reference.
Part 1 – When did the church begin?
- Introduction
- Definitions
- Canonical order
- Historical order
- Acts 28:28
- Pairs to Compare
- The Old Covenant and the Messiah
- The New Covenant and the Messiah
- Christ and the Apostles
- The Day of Pentecost
- The Church in the Acts Period
- Paul and the Church today, The Body of Christ
- When?
Part 2 – Why does it matter when the Church began?
- Introduction
- Truth and Integrity
- Walk worthy
- What difference does it make?
- Why does it matter?