This work concentrates on Paul's two letters to Timothy and the teaching surrounding the phrase "man of God". The author looks upon Timothy as a typical Christian, and considers the teaching given to Timothy, a man of God, suggesting that if we, as men or women of God, are not to be diverted from the truth into wrong behaviour or incorrect beliefs, we must also shun corrupting influences.
In the two letters to Timothy there are six potential dangers that Paul identifies as pitfalls which must be avoided. In each case, thankfully and wisely, he suggests a positive alternative, an approach that helps us see the issues more clearly. For example, the first three dangers are all barriers to the growth of true godliness in the life of the man or woman of God. They divert us away from the thought patterns and priorities that are critical to the pursuit of godliness. The advice given by Paul is that:
- Rather than follow a futile asceticism, Timothy was to train himself for godliness
- Rather than seeking to develop his earthly wealth, Timothy must work for the "great gain" that comes from godliness with contentment
- Rather than allowing the desires and passions of youth to be the dominant features of his thinking and conduct, Timothy must pursue the development of godliness; i.e. righteousness and faith in his relationship with God, and love and peace in his relationship with men and women
As well as being a commentary on selected parts of the letters to Timothy, and an encouragement to follow Paul's advice to this young man, this study will also be useful for house groups as, at the end of each chapter there are questions to be considered and discussed.