The Mystery of Ephesians

The Mystery of Ephesians


Brian Sherring
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In Ephesians 3:3 Paul wrote about a ‘mystery’, and stated that he had written about it briefly; i.e. earlier in the letter. So ...

  • What is this ‘mystery’?
  • Why have relatively few Christians heard about it?
  • And why do some, who have heard about it, reject it?
  • Even oppose it?

With great clarity Brian Sherring explains that the Greek word translated ‘mystery’ does not mean something ‘mysterious’ but refers to a ‘secret’, and this ‘secret’ is an important one which relates to all mankind. At the end of the Acts period God revealed this secret to Paul and wanted him to make it known far and wide ... which is just what he did in writing Ephesians. And just what Brian Sherring is doing with this excellent book.

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Number of Pages - 139
Size - A5
Year of Publication - 2018