The Transfiguration. What really happened? The Transfiguration is one of the most unusual of events in the very unique and different life of Jesus Christ. Was it an 'event' or was it a 'vision'? Or was the Transfiguration an 'event' and the seeing of Elijah and Moses a 'vision'? What did happen to our Lord Jesus Christ when His face shone like the sun and His clothes became as white as light?
Bullinger reviews this passage of the Bible in his usual systematic and thorough manner, considering first the historical interpretation, before making spiritual applications. He then looks at practical considerations, bringing other scriptures into the equation.
He finishes with a section entitled "Good to be there", looking forward to that day when Christ shall be manifest in glory and to our being there with Him. On that day we will echo the words of the three disciples on the Mount of Transfiguration when they said, "it is good for us to be here". Amen!